Friday, August 22, 2008

RE: Why would anyone choose Linux when they already have Windows?

Mark Kaelin of asked 'Why would anyone choose Linux when they already have Windows?'

People choose Linux when they already have Windows, because it fills their needs or wants better.

I agree; most people do not care what operating system is running on their computer. I will say that you can go further and say most people don't care what applications, as in programs, run on their computer. They care what they can do with their computer, how they can apply their computer as a tool. They care about what their computer lets them do. Like a popcorn machine, people buy electronics for a better tool for a job.

Sure you can make popcorn without a machine. Most people use microwave popcorn. That is enough for them. Some people make a lot of popcorn though and those last few kernels count. (kernels get it - excuse me) Others find it useful to be able to make just the right amount in the machine, versus a bag at a time in the microwave.

Then there are the few that don't use a microwave popcorn bag, or a machine. They have a fire. Fire has been around for decades longer. It can be used in simple ways like a campfire to make popcorn. Then when done camping they go home in their car. Funny, now that I think about it, what drives a car? A person you say? There are other ways, but most people use fire without even thinking about it.

The only reason I could see you ever changing your mind in the future, is if something stops working, or your needs or wants change. If Windows fills your needs and wants, like you say, great! You are all set. You use Linux anyway without ever knowing.

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